Directed by Olivia Hinebaugh Co-Directed by Stephen Shetler and Justin Winters If music be the food of love, play on! Join us for a whirlwind of Shakespeare performances from all ages. The Brief Shakespeare Festival consists of three groups of student actors performing some of Shakespeare’s greatest works. Each group will perform two, 15-minute versions of different plays while playing several characters each. Each production will be bookended with monologues, sonnets or scenes performed by adults. There will be music, food, laughs, tears, magic, love, and more. Join us for dinner theatre at Veterans Amphitheatre and enjoy Shakespeare in the City of Fairfax! We are proud to be presenting the following works by Shakespeare through our Brief Shakespeare Festival: Macbeth, Twelfth Night, Romeo & Juliet, Hamlet, The Tempest, and A Midsummer Night's Dream.